Michael Buffington

Dance Crazy

Friday, January 17 2003

I’m not afraid to admit this, because I think it might lead to professional help, but I have a dance problem. Carrie does too, but her condition is less advanced than mine. It’s hard to explain why, but there are moments when I leap to my feet after a moment of inactivity, and perform a unique and one of a kind dance movement. Tribal in nature. We think it has something to do with a bit of cabin fever. We’re spoiled Californians living in a place that gets colder than I’ve ever lived in (the mid thirties) so we spend a lot more time indoors. Everyone who has lived here forever has these high tech jackets and coats that keep them warm. We have no idea where to get those things.

I’m considering making my own dance instruction video. Turn the energy into profits. It would be easy, because most of the dances involve the placing of your body parts into different planes than they’re traditionally accustomed to. A favorite: straighten your arms, push them groundwards, jump and try and push your butt as high in the air as possible, and kick legs violently, simulating flight. If you can get some wiggle in the rear end, you’ve got a winner. The whole idea is to try and create a flurry of motion that you can never possibly recreate.

Here’s an idea. Describe a dance move

like I have above, and I will try to perform it. I’ll even get it on digital video and display the fine results on this site somewhere. Kind of like Eric Conveys an Emotion, but with short dance interpretations instead.