Michael Buffington

Save Elian

Tuesday, November 26 2002

Exactly three years ago, little Elian inspired one of the best CDs ever, the “Save Elian” benefit CD. Inspiring songs like “Save Elian” and “He wanted to come here” and “Janet Reno is the Boogie Man” made that CD one to remember. So inspiring, and so worthwhile was this CD that you’ll be hard pressed to ever find it in stores or on Amazon.

To mark this special day, another Cuban boy has come ashore

. But this time, his Mom is in Cuba, not his dad. Let the fun begin, again.

Update: I got some nudges for making light of the whole Elian debacle. For the record, I have no opinion of Elian right now. But, I can say that someone made a very entertaining CD as mentioned above.

What do you think?